• ÁDÁM HEGYI University of Szeged Faculty of Arts, Department of Cultural Heritage and Human Information Science
Keywords: Reformed Church, Hungarian Kingdom, church administration, information history, Bánát


The study investigates the church administration of the Békés Reformed Church Diocese located in the south eastern region of the Hungarian Kingdom. The diocese had the size of the territory of Belgium, since its borders extended from the region of the Kőrös rivers to the Lower Danube. However, this vast territory had only 30 parishes. The examined period is from 1791 to 1821, because numerous sources survived in the period between the synod of Buda (1791) and the reforming of the diocese (1821) which report on the controlling of information. Therefore, I examine how the information of church administration reached their respective addressees and how the further dissemination of information was impeded. 


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