Instructions for authors
The Manuscript Preparation Instructions for authors list formal preconditions that each author(s) has to fulfill (besides the Rules of good scientific practice and Ethical and legal conditions) before his/her/their paper is sent out to reviews.
Submitting a paper
The papers are to be sent by email as a separate (attached) document to the secretary of the journal Istraživanja via e-mail
Before sending the papers to reviewers, the Editorial Board reserves the right to pre-select the submitted papers in accordance with publishing and quality policy of the journal. After the Editorial Board pre-selection, the decision to accept papers for publishing implies reliance on two or more reviews and can therefore take several months (normally 3-4 months).
The papers that are submitted must be anonymous. In accordance with that, personal data (name, surname, academic affiliation, post address, email address) are named in the email. The paper itself should not contain any information (name, surname, academic affiliation, gratitude, conferences where the paper was first presented, etc.) which would indicate to the reviewers who the author of the paper may be. All this data will be added later after the paper is accepted for publication. The authors are also asked to delete the data from File Properties: right mouse click on the closed document: 2. Properties; 3. Details; 4. Remove Properties and Personal Information; 5. Remove the Following Properties from the File; 6. Select All; 7. Ok.
The papers are submitted as Word or PDF documents, with personal data deleted in both formats.
If the author(s) does not have copyrights for (someone else’s) text and illustrations used in the paper, the permissions must be obtained from the copyright holder, and a copy of each letter should be provided with the final manuscript submission.
Language of the paper
The papers (as well as their abstracts and summaries) and review articles are to be submitted in English as official language of the journal. In certain circumstances (depending on the topic of the paper and decision of the Editorial Board) the text can be published in Serbian or some of the world languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. In these exceptional cases (exclusively permitted by the Editorial Board after author’s request), the summary must be in English. However, all the cited works, inside the text and in bibliography, have to be transliterated to Latin script, regardless in what language and script they are originally published (see further in the instructions).
The authors are responsible for the quality of the language of the paper. For that reason the authors who are submitting a paper in the language which is not their native tongue are asked to have it proofread before submission. The papers with poor grammar or poor style will be rejected. If a paper needs additional editing due to insufficient quality of language, the Editorial board reserves the right to demand language editing by the Journal’s approved proofreader, at the authors’ expense.
It is necessary to provide a transliteration and translation of the terms in Greek, Latin, Old Slavic, Turkish, Arabic etc.
As a rule, the scientific article should be between 4000 and 6000 words long (i.e. between 25000 and 45000 characters with space), which include the title, abstract, key words, main text, summary, reference list and footnotes.
The abstract should be between 100 and 300 words long.
There should be between 5 and 10 key words.
The summary should be between 300 and 500 words long.
Professional papers (reviews, scientific criticism, publication of archive material) as a rule should be between 750 and 1500 words long.
Each paper should contain: 1. Title; 2. Abstract; 3. Key words; 4. The main text; 5. Footnotes (as citation system of abbreviated references within the main text); 6. References (separate section of the paper with full bibliographical units used in the main text); 7. Title of the summary; 8. Summary.
This does not apply for the reviews of books, exhibitions etc. and similar short contributions, which only have 1. Title; 2. The main text; 3. Footnotes (if there are any) 4. Name of the author(s). In the reviews, if there are any referring to literature, full bibliographical unit is cited inside the footnote, first time when mentioned (i.e. reviews do not have References as separate section).
For examples see our website:
The font of the main text and summary is Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 spacing. The font of the title is Times New Roman 14. Subtitles are written in the centre of the text in Times New Roman 12 and if there are several levels, they should be marked in Arabic numbers: 1.1; 1.2...
Font for the Greek language is Unicode.
Rules of citation
The list of cited sources is located at the end of the paper (before the summary under the heading References) and all the bibliographic data are listed only there, while the references in the footnotes (within the main text) are listed in an abbreviated form.
If there is a usage of the literature written in any script other than Latin, these should be transliterated both inside the footnotes and the list of cited literature (References). E.g.:
Footnotes: Ћоровић 1993 > Ćorović [or Corovic, Chorovich] 1993
References: Ћоровић, В. Историја Срба, Београд: БИГЗ, 1993. > Ćorović [or Corovic, Chorovich], V. Istorija Srba, Beograd: BIGZ, 1993.
All full bibliographic data are listed as follows:
Finley, M. I. The Ancient Economy, Berkeley/Los Angeles: California Press, 1973.
Roller, M. ‘The Difference an Emperor makes: Notes on the reception of the Republican Senate in the Imperial age’, Classical Reception Journal, 7, 2015, 11–30.
Edited collections of papers (Festschrifts):
Stahl, M. and Walter, U. ‘Athens’, in: K. A. Raaflaub and H. v. Wees (eds.), A Companion to Archaic Greece, Malden (Mass.)/London: Blackwell Publishing, 2007, 138–181.
Published and unpublished material:
It is listed in the same way as monographs, while unpublished (archive) material is listed in the following way: when mentioned for the first time, there should be the full name of the archive, the location of the archive, the name of the fund, the signature number of the document. In the brackets there should be an abbreviation of the given archive which will be used in referencing in the paper. E.g.:
– The Archive of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Bács-Bodrog County, nr. 90/1800. (abbreviated: AV, BBC)
Abbreviated bibliographic data in the footnotes are listed in the following way:
Author’s surname – year of publication – colon – page:
Roller 2015: 13.
In case the same author has published several papers in the same year, letters of the alphabet are added after the year of publication:
Roller 2015а: 50.
In case there are two authors, the source is referenced in the following way:
Stahl, Walter 2007: 139.
In the case there are more than three authors, the source is referenced in the following way:
Bowie at al. 2006
while in the References the names of all other authors must be cited as well.
The following abbreviations are used in the footnotes:
Ibid. – used for two consecutive footnotes with the same author or paper.
Id. – used if the same author with two papers is mentioned in the same footnote.
Other similar abbreviations (e.g. ad loc.) should also be written in italics.
Old Greek and medieval writers should always be named with the internationally adopted abbreviations. In accordance with that, Old Greek authors should be referenced according to the suggestions of the LSJ (A Greek – English Lexicon compiled by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, new edition revised and augmented by H. S. Jones with the assistance of R. McKenzie, with a revised supplement, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1996), while the abbreviations for professional journals are referenced according to the suggestions of L'Année philologique.
Citations in the text are marked in italics with the exception of longer citations (two or more lines) and poetry, which are written in the middle of the text separated by blank lines.
Editorial Board of the Journal Istraživanja