• SRĐAN MILOŠEVIĆ Union University, Faculty of Law Institute for recent history of Serbia, Belgrade
Keywords: Yugoslavia 1945–1948, agrarian reform, union of workers and peasants, nationalization


This paper presents a general overview of agrarian reform implemented in Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1948. It also lays out the norms and agrarian policies on which it was based. Agrarian reform was enacted in Yugoslavia in harmony with the specific nature of the Yugoslav context and the lauded union of workers and peasants. This context widely differed from that of the USSR, which is why the nationalization of arable land was not considered in Yugoslavia. In fact, at the beginning of the reform process, private property was given stronger protections. This included issuing deeds of ownership in the names of individuals but with certain limitations, of which the most significant was a twenty-year moratorium on the alienation of property obtained from the reforms.


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Archive of Yugoslavia (referred to in the text as AJ)

Marshal of Yugoslavia’s office – KMJ

FPRY government council for agriculture and forestry – SPŠ

Agricultural reform and colonization commission – UARK

Presidency of the FPRY Government – PV FNRJ

Đuro Đaković Party College – VPŠ


Official Journal of the DFJ (1945)

Official Gazette of the FNRJ (1945–1948)


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