Principality of Serbia, Prince Miloš, quarantine, sastanak, bubonic plague, border, cordon sanitaireAbstract
Between 1829 and 1839 a quarantine system was established and developed in the Principality of Serbia to protect the population from contagious diseases threatening from abroad. The most important element was the quarantine station, and the border sastanci (trading posts) were important as economic and sanitary institutions. This paper focuses on the establishment of the first quarantine stations in the Pashalik of Belgrade and later on in the Principality of Serbia. It will show when the quarantine stations and sastanci were established, what their role was and how they operated, which laws they were regulated by. The duration of quarantine is also reconstructed. Special attention will be paid to the duration of the quarantine and the procedures followed. The paper is based on unpublished and published archival materials, and on relevant literature.
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