World War II, volunteers, partisan movement, Rostov oblast, western SerbiaAbstract
Based on an analysis of both published and newly identified sources, this paper will attempt to carry out a comparative analysis of the essential content, nature, scale, social and national composition, political and ideological views and positions, and the ideological foundations and practical results of the struggle by partisan, anti-Nazi resistance movements in the Rostov oblast and in western Serbia during the Second World War. These regions were unique in terms of natural and geographic conditions, the ethnic and social composition of their populations, and their ideological views and political positions. Therefore, special attention will be given to identifying, thoroughly describing, and conducting a comparative analysis of the common and unique features of the partisan movement in these two regions. The paper will also demonstrate the influence of political, socioeconomic, ethnic, and social factors on the scale of this movement, the degree to which it was supported by the local population, the results of its activities in each of these areas both generally and in relation to their correlation and comparative analysis. The final generalizations and conclusions about the role and significance of the partisan movements in the Rostov oblast and in western Serbia during the Second World War, and their general and more specific features will also be substantiated.
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