Keywords: London Agreement, Serbia, Italy, Russia, World War I, Nikola Pašić, Sergey Sazonov, Sir Edward Grey, the Yugoslav issue, Dalmatia


This paper follows the Entente Powers negotiations with Italy from the beginning of World War I up to the signing of the London Agreement. Simultaneously, this paper follows Serbian relations towards the negotiations and Italy entering the conflict from the standpoint of its national pretensions. Due to the important role of Russia, as Serbia’s closest ally and the traditional protector of Slavic interests, special attention has been dedicated to its position and reasons for relenting in diplomatic initiative for Italy entering the war. This paper contains an analysis and a new interpretation of the London Agreement. In addition to this, the paper sheds light on the beginning of deteriorating relations between the governments in Rome and Belgrade/Niš, which used to be friendly before the Great War, as well as the circumstances which influenced the situation.


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Author Biography

MIROSLAV RADIVOJEVIĆ, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy Department of History

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy Department of History


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12. 11. 2020.