Keywords: suicide, Ajax, Heracles, Sophocles, Euripides, solitude, the Peloponnesian War, self-reliance, friendship, Theseus


This paper analyzes attitudes towards suicide in ancient Greece as presented in Greek tragedies. Although suicide as a social phenomenon was a common motif in various ancient plays, the focus here will be on two tragedies, Sophocles᾿ Ajax and Euripides᾿ Heracles, in which suicidal tendencies motivated by a loss of honor are most clearly depicted. In these plays, the two heroes are faced with a dilemma: choosing between an honorable death or a life spent in shame. In accordance with the ideals of his creator and the strict heroic code, Sophocles’ Ajax decides to commit suicide. Euripides’ Heracles, however, broken and devastated, chooses life by relying only on himself and his friendship with Theseus.


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Author Biographies

GORDAN MARIČIĆ, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy

ŽELJKA ŠAJIN, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philosophy

University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Philosophy


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12. 11. 2020.