Ali Pascha of Janina, Porta, Venice, Carlo Aurelio Widmann, CorfùAbstract
The resolute trade policy, which the Senate carried out during the last decades of the eighteenth century in the Ionian region, was conflicted with Ali Pasha’s personal ambitions. The rise that began in 1788, with Russian-Ottoman war, was later continued. The Porte, whose positions were weakened, had to tolerate these individuals, brought to the forefront by its very weakness. Due to terrain configuration and indigenous communities, which managed to maintain their own way of life, with the emergence of Ali Pasha, Epirus had almost a half independent position in relation to the Porte.
The major disputes in relations of Widman, as a representative of Venice, and Ali Pasha, were led because of his intention to build warehouses for goods, vis-a-vis Prevesa, which the Republic of Venice saw as its potential economic damage. Except border disputes, which were not different from other parts of Ottoman-Venice border (such as Dalmatia), Widman’s writings indicate that Ali Pasha was an industrious entrepreneur whose main intention was prosperity of the region he ruled. Judging by his relations, Ali Pasha had difficulties imposing himself to his compatriots, and this is demonstrated by the case of rebellion in his army in 1795. By abolition of Venice (May 1797), as one of the outcomes of contract of Campo Formio, Ali Pasha got the Republic of France as a neighbour, where Napoleon Bonaparte became dominant figure. This fact has enabled for the name of Ali Pasha, the Lion of Yanina, to be heard all over Europe. This marks the beginning of a new period of his reign over Epirus, which is much better researched today.